Thanks to our Sponsors

Jeff and Ileen Doppelt

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cotton
the Stroth family



Thanks to our Sponsors

The Doppelt
Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cotton

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Welcome to the Home Page for Touching Bases Softball League

Thank you for visiting!

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The 2020 season of Touching Bases is on hold due to the Covid-19 state of emergency. 


Batters Up for All 2019 Players

Come be a part of our 2020 Quaranteam!

 On Monday, August 17th we will have a drive-through event from 6 pm - 8 pm at

 7 Community Dr, Cheektowaga (Aspire) in the parking lot.

 Drive through where you can see your Coach and Score a Special 2020 Quaranteam Touching Bases Gift Bag!

Please stay in your vehicle, wear a mask and adhere to safety protocols.

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 Please check back here for updates or check the Touching Bases of Erie County Facebook page.

Stay healthy and start stretching!!

Touching Bases

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Support Touching Bases by Purchasing Jewelry from Embrace the Difference

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A big THANK YOU to the Buffalo Bills Alumni Assoc. for their recent $2000 donation!


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If you are interested in Volunteering for Touching Bases or need more information or registration materials, please call 949-7636 (Kathy) or 907-3242 (Brenda).




